AGRF-Sponsored Oz Single Cell Event Aired Yesterday
/LEFT: episode flyer featuring the four speakers. RIGHT: Hosts christine wells and joseph powell welcoming guests and acknowledging the traditional owners.
We are excited to report that the Oz Single Cell episode ‘Oz Single Cell - Cell type, cell state, or cell artefact? Finding the biology in your single cell data’ aired online yesterday and was proudly sponsored by AGRF. The episode is part of a series of webinars for the Oz Single Cell program which is being presented online this year in response to the COVID restrictions currently in place.
Speakers included the inventor of SingleCellNet, Dr Patrick Cahan from Johns Hopkins University in the USA who spoke about the latest computational approaches to cell classification. We also heard from Australian-based speakers including Jose Alquicira-Hernandez from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney who provided an update on his classification method scPred, while Sean Wilson from Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Nadia Rajab from the University of Melbourne, both based in Melbourne, discussed the challenges of classifying stem cell models of their biology.
The webinar covered cell classification, and addressed questions such as Is cell classification really all that difficult? How do you deconvolute 1000s of single cells into a meaningful biology? Should we re-think how a cell is 'classified'? And Is there really a difference between cell type and cell state?
Click here to find out more about the event, presentations and speaker information, or email to register for upcoming Oz Single Cell webinars!
Visit our Innovative Technologies page for more information about AGRF’s Single Cell services.