PacBio HiFi Sequencing: a new era in genome discovery

Our AGRF-UQ PacBio Sequel II webinar PacBio HiFi Sequencing: A New Era of Genomic Discovery went live at 11:00am on Wednesday 26th August and it was a successful event.

The event featured five speakers including our AGRF-UQ PacBio Service Manager Dr David Hawkes from AGRF, who also hosted and moderated the event, Senior Research Fellow Dr CX Chan from the Australian Centre for Ecogenomics at the University of Queensland, Facility Manager Angelika Christ from the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) Sequencing Facility at the University of Queensland, Field Applications Support and Bioinformatics Scientist Dr Khi Pin from PacBio Asia Pacific and Research Infrastructure Business Development Officer Ana Vockovic from the University of Queensland

The presentations included Working with the AGRF-UQ PacBio Service Team by Dr David Hawkes, Are dinoflagellate genomes the final frontier? by Dr CX Chan, An overview of the IMB Sequencing Facility by Angelika Christ, Applications of Long and Accurate Hi-Fi Sequencing with PacBio Sequel II by Dr Khi Pin and UQ Central Research Platforms Supporting Research and Industry by Ana Vuckovic. Couldn’t make it on the day? Scroll down to view the full video of the webinar below!

SMRT Grant Program Announced

During the webinar we announced the PacBio ANZ HiFi SMRT Grant Program, which is a joint program organised by AGRF, PacBio, University of Queensland and Millennium Science

The grant includes SMRTbell library construction, PacBio sequencing and preliminary bioinformatics analysis. Entrants are required to submit a 300-word proposal detailing how HiFi reads will accelerate their research.

Entries close on 12th October - click here to learn more!