After completing your online submission, you can either post your samples to us or drop them off at one of our convenient sample collection points. There may be some additional screening measures in place at certain sites to ensure the safety of patients and staff.
We operate in five states, with convenient Sample Collection Points available in each. Click your state to find your local collection point: NSW, QLD, SA, VIC, WA.
Free Shipping
We are now offering complimentary weekly scheduled shipping service* between AGRF laboratory sites.
You will now have the flexibility to drop off your samples at any of our AGRF collection points with seamless delivery to any of our other state laboratories.
We will consolidate the samples at the local site by Friday for a Monday overnight shipment to the destination. To ensure you make it onto the Monday shipment, it is essential that samples are received by Friday noon at the local site. Standard shipping fees will apply to samples received outside the weekly schedule.
*Complimentary shipping applies to submissions of purified nucleic acid only. Additional charges will be applied to samples that do not meet this requirement (eg: biological substance classification, high weight shipments). Please contact your local Account Manager for quote assistance in these instances.
New South Wales
AGRF Sydney Site
The Westmead Institute
176 Hawkesbury Rd
Westmead, NSW 2145
In New South Wales our host institute is the Westmead Institute for Medical Research, located in Westmead. Our Site Manager is Bhawana Nain, who has been with AGRF for 10 years.
Simply submit your samples online and drop them off at WIMR reception between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Mail: Australian Genome Research Facility Ltd. PO BOX 285, Westmead NSW 2145.
Courier: Australian Genome Research Facility Ltd. 176 Hawksbury Rd, Westmead NSW 2145.
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
405 Liverpool Street
Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
Please submit your samples online and drop them off between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays.
AGRF North Sydney Sites
Kolling Institute Store
Level 3, Building 6
10 Westbourne Street
St Leonards, NSW 2065
Please submit your samples online and drop them off between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays.
AGRF Brisbane Site
Gehrmann Laboratories (Building 60) Research Road
University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD 4072
Our host institute in Queensland is the University of Queensland, which is located within the City of Brisbane. David Hawkes is our Brisbane Site Manager and our SNP Platform Manager.
Submit your samples online and drop them off anytime between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Ecosciences Precinct
41 Boggo Rd
Dutton Park, QLD 4102
Located around 4 kilometres south of Brisbane CBD, our fridge in the Ecosciences Precinct is another handy location where you can drop your samples off.
Collection takes place at 10:00am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Storeroom, Level 1
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Queensland Bioscience Precinct (Building 80)
The University of Queensland
306 Carmody Road
St Lucia, QLD 4072
Our sequencing fridge is located outside the Storeroom on level 1 of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience. Please ask for Daryl Millar or AGRF at the storeroom if you have any questions.
South Australia
AGRF Adelaide Site
Plant Genomics Centre
Waite Campus
Hartley Grove
Urrbrae, SA 5064
Our South Australian host institute is the University of Adelaide - Waite Campus in Urrbrae, at the foot of the Adelaide Hills. Our Site Manager Nicole Burtt has been at AGRF for over 15 years.
University of Adelaide - North Terrace
Common Store LG042 (Loading Bay)
Foyer of main entrance
Darling Building
North Terrace Campus
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, SA 5000
We have a fridge located at the Darling Building at the University of Adelaide North Terrace Campus. Samples will be collected the next day.
Submit your samples online by 4:00pm, and drop your samples in a fridge by 8:00am the next day.
University of Adelaide - Molecular Life Sciences Building
Level 3, Building 347
Molecular Life Sciences Building
North Terrace Campus
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, SA 5000
We also have a fridge located at the Molecular Life Sciences Building - Level 3. Due to temporary construction, access is only available via the external stairs to Level 1 and then internal stairs to Level 3. Samples will be collected the next day as requested. If you experience any difficulties, please contact us or alternatively use the Darling Building fridge.
Submit your samples online by 4:00pm, and drop your samples in the fridge by 8:00am the next day.
Loading bay
South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute
North Terrace, SA 5000
We also have a fridge located at SAHMRI in North Terrace. Samples will be collected the next day as requested.
Submit your samples online by 4:00pm, and drop your samples in the fridge by 8:00am the next day.
Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Loading bay (level 1)
Gilbert Building
Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Brougham Place
North Adelaide, SA 5006
There is an esky based at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in North Adelaide.
Submit your samples online by 4:00pm, and drop your samples in the fridge by 8:00am the next day.
Flinders Medical Centre
Flinders Drive
Bedford Park, SA 5042
Flinders Medical Centre is a major public tertiary hospital and teaching school, co-located with Flinders University and the Flinders Private Hospital located at Bedford Park.
University of Adelaide - Roseworthy
JS Davies Building
Roseworthy Campus
University of Adelaide
Roseworthy, SA 5371
Another sample collection location is based at the University of Adelaide Roseworthy Campus.
Please leave your samples with University Staff at the Collection Desk. Collection is at 2:00pm daily.
University of Adelaide - AHMS
Common Store LG042 via loading bay
Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences (AHMS) Building
Western end of North Terrace
Adelaide, SA 5000
There’s also a fridge located in Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences (AHMS) Building at the University of Adelaide.
Submit your samples online by 4:00pm, and drop your samples in the fridge by 8:00am the next day.
Flinders University
Level 3, Opposite Rm. 315
Biological Sciences Building
Bedford Park Campus
Sturt Road
Bedford Park, SA 5042
Our fridge at the Flinders University Bedford Park Campus is perfectly positioned for clients working or studying there.
Collection takes place daily on demand.
University of South Australia
Cancer Research Institute
Loading Bay (level 0) Service elevators
North Terrace
Adelaide, SA 5000
This fridge is located in Cancer Research Institute within University of South Australia.
Submit your samples online by 4:00pm, and drop your samples in the fridge by 8:00am the next day.
AGRF Melbourne Site
Level 13
Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre
305 Grattan Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Our Flagship Laboratory and head office are located within the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, in the Parkville Biomedical Precinct. Melinda Ziino has been with AGRF for nearly 20 years and is the Melbourne Site Manager and Genotyping Supervisor.
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
1G Royal Parade
Parkville VIC 3052
This sample collection point is for WEHI clients only. Samples are collected daily (Monday-Friday) at 11:00am.
La Trobe University
TLC Building, Room 104 LIMS Store
La Trobe University
Bundoora, VIC 3086
For those situated further from the city we have an AGRF fridge at La Trobe University in Bundoora, 16 kilometres north of the CBD.
Samples are collected every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:00am.
St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research
9 Princes Street
Fitzroy, VIC 3065
There is also a fridge located at St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research in Fitzroy.
Samples are collected every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00am.
Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute
Level 5, ONJ Centre, 145 Studley Rd, Heidelberg VIC 3084.
Supply Centre Area, which is located in front of Central Stores.
Samples are collected every Wednesday at 9:30am.
Western Australia
AGRF Perth Site
AGRF Perth
Level 6, MRF building
Royal Perth Hospital
Rear 50 Murray St
Perth, WA 6000
The Medical Research Foundation building at the the Royal Perth Hospital is our host institute in Western Australia. David Chandler is our Perth Site Manager, National Sanger Sequencing Manager and Western Australia Account Manager.
Please submit your samples online and drop them off between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays.
Pick-up sites for local services only
(CSIRO Staff Only)
Main reception at CSIRO
Centre for Environment and Life Sciences (CELS)
Underwood Avenue
Floreat, WA 6014
We have a fridge located at CSIRO (CELS) in Floreat, and clear sample submission bags are available from staff there.
Once Sample Submission is viewed in our online system, a courier will be booked and samples collected at 9:30am the next day.
Curtin University
Foyer, Applied Sciences Building, Building 311
(off Brand Drive, near bus station)
Curtin University
Kent St
Bentley, WA 6102
An AGRF fridge is located at Curtin University, and clear sample submission bags are available from the small refrigerator opposite the door.
Please submit your samples online. Once Sample Submission is viewed in our online system, a courier will be booked and samples collected at 9:30am the next day.
Murdoch University
Murdoch Sequencing Fridge Biological Sciences Building
Building 240, Murdoch University
90 South Street
Murdoch, WA 6150
Use entrance to State Agricultural Biotech Centre in south/west corner of Bld 240 courtyard. There will be a Sequencing Fridge approximately metres down hall. Place samples in the tray labelled as AGRF.
Working or studying at Murdoch University? Drop your samples off in our fridge, located in the Biological Sciences Building.
Please submit your samples online. Once Sample Submission is viewed in our online system, a courier will be booked and samples collected at 9:30am the next day.
Harry Perkins Institute for Medical Research
Concierge desk
Harry Perkins Institute for Medical Research
QQ Block, QE II Medical Centre
6 Verdun St, Nedlands
Perth, WA 6009
Please submit your samples online. Once Sample Submission is viewed in our online system, a courier will be booked and samples collected at 9:30am the next day.
Block C, Room 34
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
(use second gate for entry access)
3 Baron-Hay Court
South Perth, WA 6151
For clients in South Perth, this fridge is a convenient drop-off point. Bags are located in Block C, Room 34. Please ring doorbell on arrival - the room is diagonally across to the right from the door. Please submit your samples online. Once Sample Submission is viewed in our online system, a courier will be booked and samples collected at 9:30am the next day.
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions
Reception of WA Conservation, Science Centre
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions
17 Dick Perry Avenue
Technology Park, Western Precinct
Kensington, WA 6151
We have a fridge located at the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions in Kensington.
Please submit your samples online. Once Sample Submission is viewed in our online system, a courier will be booked and samples collected at 9:30am the next day.
University of Western Australia
Ground floor reception, Bayliss Building (Building 211)
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Hwy
Crawley, WA 6009
We also have a collection point at University of Western Australia in Crawley.
Please submit your samples online. Once Sample Submission is viewed in our online system, a courier will be booked and samples collected at 9:30am the next day.
Please contact or your local Account Manager if you have any questions regarding our drop-off locations.