Our ANZ HiFi SMRT Grant is now open

2020 ANZ HiFi SMRT Grant Program

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We're excited to announce, an exciting partnership between the AGRF-UQ PacBio Service, PacBio and Millennium Science, a new HiFi SMRT Grant to sequence any species using one of these SMRT Sequencing applications: 

  • Whole Genome Sequencing

  • Variant Detection

  • RNA Sequencing

  • Targeted Sequencing

  • Complex Populations

  • Epigenetics.

Our highly accurate long reads, known as HiFi reads, provide Sanger-quality accuracy (>99%) and the long reads needed to assemble even the most complex genomes.

We've partnered with PacBio and Millennium Science to bring you this exciting opportunity to win a PacBio project with us. Simply submit your proposal using the button below, telling us in 300 words or less how HiFi reads will accelerate your science. 

Good luck!

The Finer Details:

  1. Submissions close October 12, 2020

  2. The winner will receive up to 4 SMRT Cells 8M

  3. Sequencing will be on the new Sequel II System at the AGRF-UQ PacBio Service

  4. Bioinformatics support will be supplied from the joint AGRF-UQ PacBio Service Team

A full list of terms and conditions for the SMRT Grant Competition can be found here