We've recently updated our DNA Sequencing Service Guide
/Our Updated DNA Sequencing Service Guide
We have recently updated our service guide for our DNA Sequencing Service at AGRF and it’s full of useful information on the service. The guide outlines sample preparation, sequencing recommendations for DNA libraries, data outputs, sample requirements and sample submission. It also includes recommendations for bundled genome sequencing applications - see the table below for more information. Click here to read our new DNA Sequencing service guide.
DNA Sample Preparation
Next generation sequencing technologies such as Illumina sequencing utilise clonal amplification of DNA templates on solid supports to enable high-throughput sequencing. Prior to sequencing, DNA samples undergo a process of library preparation to fragment and attach specific oligo-nucleotide adapters to facilitate sequencing.
Whole genome sequencing (WGS) provides the most comprehensive analysis of genome variance and structure. DNA sequencing can also be applied to samples enriched for specific loci using PCR, hybrid capture or immunoprecipitation.
AGRF offers a number of DNA library preparation services suitable for a broad range of sample types and applications including de novo sequencing, re-sequencing and ChIP-Seq.
Recommendations for bundled genome sequencing applications