AGRF PacBio Service
The Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF) are a recognised PacBio Certified Service Provider (CSP) providing
Long Read Sequencing using the PacBio Revio.
The AGRF PacBio Service expands their capabilities in long-read PacBio® sequencing for generating high-quality genome assemblies, comprehensive transcriptome analyses, and epigenetic information.
As a Certified Service Provider for Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT®) Sequencing, we offer the Revio System for affordable, high-throughput studies of microbes, plants and animals, or humans.
PacBio HiFi sequencing consistently produces some of the longest average read lengths available in the industry. With long reads, the high consensus accuracy (>99.999%, Q50), uniform coverage, and simultaneous epigenetic detection. SMRT Sequencing delivers valuable insights that previously have been unavailable to the scientific community.
The flexibility of the PacBio platform allows you to get the benefits of long-read sequencing across these applications:
Whole Genome Sequencing for de novo assembly
Whole genome sequencing for de novo assembly using SMRT Sequencing is now the gold-standard for generating contiguous, highly accurate reference genomes across all species. With megabase-size contig N50s, consensus accuracies >99%, and tools for phasing haplotypes, PacBio assemblies capture undetected SNPs, fully intact genes, and regulatory regions embedded in complex structures that fragmented draft genomes often miss.
WGS for Structural Variant Discovery
SMRT Sequencing enables structural variant discovery using low-coverage, long-read whole genome sequencing which has shown that any individual diploid human genome contains upwards of ~20,000 unique structural variants (defined as >50 bp in length), and another ~400,000 indel variants (ranging in length from 1 bp to 49 bp). Over 80% of these variants are currently not detected using standard short-read sequencing methods.
RNA Sequencing
The PacBio Isoform Sequence (Iso-Seq®) method allows sequencing of transcript isoforms in their entirety, with no assembly required by leveraging the long reads to deliver a single, highly accurate sequence for each transcript isoform, from the 5’ end to the poly-A tail.
Targeted Sequencing
PacBio targeted sequencing application supports both amplicon sequencing as well as probe-based capture using DNA oligo hybridisation. The long reads and the low sequence context bias allows you to characterise targeted regions of interest irrespective of their genetic complexity — including structural variations, rare SNPs, indels, copy number variation, microsatellites and extended conserved regions.
Complex Populations
Bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells are often found in complex populations which contain many unique and evolving genomes. These variants allow for rapid evolution in response to environmental conditions, immune pressures, or drug treatments. Distinguishing co-existing variants can require complex assembly, making the identification of closely related individuals within a mixture extremely challenging. SMRT sequencing provides the long reads, single-molecule resolution, and uniform coverage needed for the comprehensive characterisation of heterogeneous samples and the identification of complex variation.
SMRT Sequencing directly detects DNA modifications by measuring variation in the polymerase kinetics of DNA base incorporation during sequencing. With high throughput, long reads, and the sensitivity to detect epigenetic modification without amplification or chemical conversions you are able to assess DNA modifications in bacterial and eukaryotic genomes.
Pacbio REvio System
PacBio REvio Work deck
Accelerate your genomic research.
Your Partners in Long Read Sequencing.