Upgrade your mRNA and get 10% discount on our Kinnex full-length RNA services.

PacBio RNA sequencing (Iso-Seq) produces long reads that capture full-length RNA transcripts in a single read. This ability avoids the need for transcript assembly, and the potential for errors when reconstructing isoforms. Short-read technologies cannot fully resolve isoform structures, as the complex nature of alternative splicing prohibits unambiguous transcript assembly even with sophisticated computational tools. The Iso-Seq method provides accurate information about transcriptional start sites, poly-adenylation sites, alternatively spliced exons, gene fusion, natural antisense transcripts (NAT), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) within targeted genes or the entire transcriptome, improving functional annotations for transcriptome and identification of novel transcripts.  

There are two recommended Iso-Seq output levels:  

  1. 10M reads – For Isoform discovery and quantification of moderate-to-rare transcripts  

  1. 5M reads - Isoform discovery of high expressed transcripts OR Comprehensive transcript annotation in a species  

How do I access this offer? 

Simply request a quote or contact your Account Manager. Promotional code
PROMO-ISOSEQ0325 must be used for this offer.


  • Orders must use Promo Code: PROMO-ISOSEQ0325

  • Valid from 24 March, 2025 to 31 May, 2025. Quote acceptance and purchase order must be received prior to 23:59 AEST, 31 May, 2025. 

  • Samples must be received by COB Friday, 8 June, 2025. 

  • Discounts apply to AGRF list price only. 

  • Deliverables 

  • Full Length cDNA in BAM format 

  • All QC and library preparation is included. 

  • Additional charges apply for nucleic acid extraction or custom bioinformatics. 

  • This promotion is not retrospective and cannot be used in conjunction with other orders, discounted pricing or current promotions.  

  • Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.